- Бобровая сила

That is what I do most of the time. There will be all that interesting to me, all that I find and somehow pass through itself. I'll try not to torture You with tons of information. And to do relevant and useful extracts from much read and what I'm doing at this point in time.


Hands for it to tear, but well thought out. If you need to close the browser is for you :) long I certainly looked for it, but still found and reduced a lot of time colleagues, as they just could not find what is the reason for the collapse of browsers.

C:\windows\system32\taskkill.exe /im "chrome.exe" /f
C:\windows\system32\taskkill.exe /im "iexplore.exe" /f

Hats off to the author, it was a great task, I love puzzles ). Use, very much can help in work,especially in modern realities when the browser is almost often used tool in work, about rest I am already silent.

Actually for the last 2 days this program for an exchange of messages on the PC at me fell not less than one hundred times. I use it intensively, there are too many contacts there, of course I would like to switch to an alternative, but so far it is impossible. If you also often closes WhatsApp like me, then look how to overcome the constant restart and sudden shutdown. To be fair, the developers do not declare support for windows 7, but thank God do not prevent the use of its program on this operating system. Update from 2019-01-28.

As long poking around, decided to bring the court's decision. Last time it was a long decision, this time also walked on this rake. In the future I will probably walk again, as the problem is rare :). In General go, long harness for this.

During an upgrade. Dr.Web Enterprise Security from version 6 to 10 and version 10 to 11, be sure to follow the path. And fix the default settings.

Administration – server Configuration – Network – Transport – TCP/IP set the multicast group "" or "", I have this location was specified the IP of the server and, accordingly, no single agent is unable porubitsya, as they have me on other subnets sit.

And I advise you to immediately record all IP addresses in the settings of access to groups and the server, these settings when you move from 10 to 11 version, all are lost. And as the reality has shown, these data are not transferred to the configuration export either, apparently that is why they are not transferred to the new configuration.



Useful SOFTWARE used by me, something I use every day.something sometimes. And something only found and can not pass by and not advise a great product. No wonder one time actively promoted all the well-known browser Opera(Classic). Old archives to study until ever, there are many useful utilities and programmes :). As the demand will delight you with new products from the series "antiquities" and still work :)

Various tools for viewing, listening, audio and video content, as well as various processing tools.

Small notes on the topic of voice transmission or in other words the phones :)